Tag Archives: sight seeing

Pura Puncak Mangu – Pura di puncak bukit

Pura Puncak Mangu terletak di desa Tinggan Kecamatan Petang Kabupaten Badung dengan ketinggian sekitar 2000m diatas permukaan laut dapat ditempuh lewat 2 jalur yaitu jalur Petang dan jalur Bedugul.

IMG_1193Kami menempuhnya lewat jalur Bedugul sekitar 1.5 jam dari kota Denpasar, sebelum areal perkebunan strawbery. Di pertigaan jalan dimana ada patung pak polisi, kami mengarah ke kanan dan kendaraan kami parkir persis di ujung jalan mendekati jalan setapak.

IMG_1203IMG_1229Vegetasi alam jalur Bedugul ini masih tergolong padat sehingga kami tidak dapat mengenali entry pointnya. Kami hampir masuk ke ladang petani dengan menyususuri jalan setapak dimana jalan itu dapat dilalui oleh sepeda motor. Untungnya kami bertemu salah satu petani yang sedang menuju ke kebun dan mereka memberitau arah menuju gunung mangu sebelum kami berjalan terlalu jauh. Kami nyaris tidak mengenali titik tersebut. Dengan langkah ragu-ragu akhirnya kami yakin setelah menemukan 1 pos yang terbuat dari tiang besi dan atap seng.

IMG_1216Ada lima pos kami temui disepanjang jalur sejauh 2 jam perjalanan sebelum akhirnya jalan yang berat dan menantang benar-benar menanti.

IMG_1367IMG_1360Di pos ke lima, kami menjumpai beberapa anak muda yang sedang berburu. Sayangnya anak muda ini hanya menyasar burung-burung yang kecil karena hewan liar sejenis kijang di hutan ini sudah banyak berkurang karena perburuan. Mereka mungkin tidak sadar bahwa burung-burung kecil itu mungkin di lindungi dan bahkan hewan kecil itu juga berperan dalam penyebaran biji dan benih pohon baru..

IMG_1260IMG_1317IMG_1319IMG_1318IMG_1316IMG_1323IMG_1339Kami juga menemukan banyak jenis jamur disepanjang perjalanan.





Menemukan bunga dan biji-bijian juga (biji-bijian berwarna biru diatas aku belum pernah temukan digunung manapun sebelumnya) .

IMG_1495 IMG_1500Beberapa menit setelah akhirnya tiba di puncak gunung kami menemukan pura yang dibangun pada abad ke 16 itu dengan decak kagum. Kagum atas uapaya manusia jaman dulu untuk membawa semua material untuk mendirikan pura mengingat sulitnya medan menuju puncak. Tidak lama kemudian kami juga berjumpa beberapa orang yang hendak bersembayang di pura di puncak gunung ini. Saya pribadi sangat salut dan kagum atas spirit yang dimiliki oleh orang-orang yang bersembayang, menaklukkan rasa lelah untuk melakukan pemujaan kepada Tuhan Yang maha Esa.

Butuh waktu 3.5 jam menuju puncak dan 2.5 jam menuruninya..

Flores – An Exotic, Romantic and Adventurous Island

Flores is one of exotic place in eastern part of Indonesia and Labuan Bajo is one of the harbor or entrance gate to Flores Island also Labuan Bajo is the capital town of Manggarai West district. Manggarai West has so many beautiful small Islands around it. Labuan Bajo itself with its outstanding view, romantic atmosphere just by witness sunset down from one of your favorite restaurant or simply just sit and watch it from your guest house terrace.


Renting a boat to look around for at least 2 days 1 night or more if you like, is a must while you are in Labuan Bajo. That will be very pity if you left Labuan Bajo behind without exploring the island by using the boat and stay overnight on it. Exploring Komodo National Park and enjoy every moment and adventure that you have while you were around.


Exploring Komodo and Rinca island which is famous with giant lizard, the only home for this creature around the the world will be so precious. Simple trek in this two beautiful island is so amazing.


or just simple do simple trekking to both island Komodo and Rinca and enjoy the view of it.


The small island with so many white beaches. Oh by the way, Komodo National Park is one of the best spot for diving and snorkeling in Indonesia. You can just simply look from your boat to the sea and meet many manta fish already.


Enjoy the evening star or full moon from your boat and relax on it. Don’t worry, food is provided or included a long the tour. Fresh water also provided in a big gallon to clean up salty water out of your body after snorkeling etc. Woke up in the morning and see beautiful sunrise before you continue exploring other tiny island.


Escape your self to a remote island like Sebayur or Kanawa.. A beautiful island with beautiful resort will spoil you there..


Or meet local fisherman to the nearest island like Mesa island


or maybe climb to the top of Padar island and enjoy the view just for your self..


Lake Toba My Home Town

Map of Lake Toba Lake Toba is the largest volcanic lake in the world occurred around 75.000 years ago, the last series of at least three caldera forming eruption at this location with earlier caldera having formed around 700.000 and 840.000 years ago. Some parts of the caldera have shown uplift due to partial refilling of the magma chamber pushing the island (Samosir Island) above the lake (Wikipedia). Lake Toba is a very well known and a huge lake in Indonesia and even in Southeast Asia with total length 100KM and width 30KM and around 500m deep. The island itself (Samosir Island located in the middle of the lake) has 80KM long and 24KM wide.


However, local society has their own history (local myth) about Lake Toba. The history starts with a young single man live on his own as a farmer. On his free time after farming he went for fishing for side dish or his daily meal. One day, when he was fishing, he catches a fish with gold color. The fish is flounder and thrashing around and she suddenly speak and begging him not to eat. “Please, you can take me home but do not eat me”. Wondering and surprising of what just had happened, he went back home and bring home the fish for sure and he put the fish in to a bowl. He loses his appetite after a socking talking fish so he didn’t cook the fish. He went to bed instead. In the morning when he woke up and about ready to go farming to the field, he found out that the meal is ready for him. He wonders who could do that for him as he has no other people around but himself. After searching around who cooked all those meal for him, a young lady came out. He was so surprise. “Who are you” said the man. “I’m the fish you took home yesterday evening” replied the young women. “Thank you for letting me alive. I will help you and make your work easier” she continued. The man was so thrilled as ask her to married him. The young woman agreed under one condition; that he should not tell their children about her background, that she is A FISH, the young man nodded to agree.

Days, weeks, months and years passed by, they were blessing of a child. They named him Toba a young boy who used to help his parents also. One day, like every other day he got a task to deliver his father daily meal to the farm. His mother used to remind Toba to deliver it right away and not messing around. But today he found something new on the way to the farm and he was busy play with it. He forgot that his father have waited for him for his lunch break. It’s nearly sun down when he remembered his father’s meal and he run into him and deliver his meal. His father was so upset with Toba and become furious when he opened the meals but no longer good to eat. The food was rotten. The man was mad and called Toba “a child of a fish”. Hear what his father called him, Toba run back home towards his mother. He said that his father call him a child of a fish. The mother suddenly was so upset about her husband as he break the vow and she is burst in to tears. No one could stop the tears until it become bigger and bigger and it create a huge lake. The lady somehow transformed to be a fish again.

IMG_0769IMG_0570Located in North Sumatera Indonesia, Lake Toba surrounds by 7 districts:

  1. Toba Samosir,
  2. Simalungun,
  3. Samosir,
  4. Tapanuli Utara,
  5. Humbang Hasundutan,
  6. Karo, dan
  7. Dairi,

with total 107 Sub-district, and 1474 villages. Well, not all the population occupied near the lake. Most of villagers inhabit or live on the hillside of the lake. The hilly form of Lake Toba makes many of the population are scattered in the higher ground.

There are a few entrances from the mainland towards Samosir Island:

  1. Tigaraja harbor (mini jetty), in the town of Parapat towards Tomok and Tuktuk Siadong
  2. Ajibata harbor (for those who carry any transportation such as motorbikes, cars, trucks on a ferry) towards Tomok only.
  3. Tigaras harbor (small jetty in Simalungun) towards Simanindo
  4. Muara harbor (small jetty) towards Nainggolan
  5. Bakkara harbor towards Onan Runngu..
  6. And by land from Medan to Pangururan can be reached via Tele


IMG_0834IMG_0740Place to stay around Lake Toba

  1.  Many of visitors will stay overnight in Parapat (District Simalungun) a mainland and also an entrance gate to Samosir Island. There are many choice of place to stay here. From Melati to 3 star hotels are available in this town.
  2. Tuktuk in Samosir Island (District Samosir). Normally Tuktuk is favorite of all tourist from all over the world. The stillness and coziness is the reason why they choose this spot to stay over. There are many guest house and small hotel available here.
  3. Tongging (District Karo). Not so many guest houses here. There are only 2 or 3 available here. But Tongging which is located near the lake, the breathtaking view of Lake Toba, Sipiso-piso waterfall, the stillness and fresh air will be another beautiful spot specially after feeling enough with the town of Berastagi.
  4. Pangururan (District Samosir). Visitor who came to town from Medan via Tele also can choose this spot for a night to stay over before continue exploring the whole island of Samosir the next day.
  5. Balige (District Toba).Balige is a town located in the trajectory lane of Sumatera (Sumatera Island). For those who need a rest after a long drive from Medan towards Lampung or Palembang or even the closest town called Sibolga this town will be a good spot to stay. The view of Lake Toba will soothing the eyes.


Lake Toba festival is yearly event in supporting the tourism which is normally held on August or September.

Sianjur Mula2IMG_0836Since 2012 many parties encourage Lake Toba included in park management global earth (Global Geopark Network). 2014 Lake Toba presented to UNESCO to set this area as an Earth Park Toba Caldera. So far only Mount Batur in Bali has enrolled in a global network of Earth Park. UNESCO will take the decision in September 2015 after field verification.

Pantai-pantai pasir putih Selatan Lombok

Pantai pantai pasir putih di Lombok bagian Selatan memang tidak dan belum seterkenal di Bali atau saudara kandungnya seperti 3 gili yaitu Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno dan Gili Air yang terletak di Utara atau bahkan Senggigi di bagian Barat. Padahal pantai di Lombok Selatan ini tidak kalah putih dan bagus dari saudaranya 3 Gili tersebut yang sudah berkembang lebih dulu bahkan kalah sama saudaranya Senggigi. Ini mungkin disebabkan karena belum tersedianya fasilitas yang memadai seperti penginapan atau hotel dikawasan pantai Selatan tersbut. Dulu sekitar 6 tahun yang lalu (pertama sekali menginjakkan kaki ke Pulau Lombok ini di akhir April 2009) hanya ada satu hotel bernama Novotel yang sekarang berganti nama menjadi hotel Mandalika dan beberapa guest house. Tentu saja hal ini sangat jauh dari kata cukup. Juga diiringi dengan penerbangan yang hanya dilayani oleh Merpati yang beroperasi 3x seminggu dan hanya mengangkut belasan orang.

Sejak dibukanya Bandara Internasional Lombok (BIL) sekitar 3 tahun lalu memang memudahkan jalur transportasi namun belum mampu membawa banyak perubahan siginifikan di bagian pantai Selatan. Hanya ada beberapa guest house (rumah penginapan) yang bertambah disekitar pantai Kuta dalam kurun waktu 3 tahun belakangan ini. Tetapi bagaimanapun dengan adanya penerbangan langsung menuju Lombok dirasakan sangat memudahkan untuk menjangkau daerah ini. Mudah-mudahan tahun mendatang dengan semakin banyaknya pengunjung yang datang ke Lombok dapat membantu mempercepat pembangunan di Lombok Selatan ini.

Adapun akses jalan menuju pantai-pantai tersebut sebenarnya sudah cukup bagus. Pantai-pantai di bagian selatan ini dapat dijangkau 1.5 jam dari Senggigi, atau 1 jam dari Mataram. Daerah terdekat untuk bermalam agar dapat menikmati pantai-pantai indah ini adalah daerah Kuta Lombok. Waktu yang diperlukan berkisar 10 hingga 30 menit ke masing masing pantai yang tertera di bawah. Biaya parkir tiap pantai ini Rp. 10.000 untuk roda empat dan Rp. 5.000 untuk roda dua.

Pantai tersebut adalah:

1. Pantai Mawun

Pantai Mawun dengan pasir putihnya juga spot yang bagus untuk berselancar

2. Pantai selong Belanak

Selong blanakSelong blanak2selong

3. Pantai Kuta

Pantai Kuta yang indah

4. Pantai seger (spot untuk berselancar / surfing)


5. Pantai Semeti

Pantai Semeti yang pasirnya tak kalah putih dari pantai lainnya di Selatan
Anak-anak dengan canda tawa bermain di Pantai semeti
Terlihat jelas pantai pantai lain yang berpasir putih dari pantai Semeti

6. Pantai Tanjung Aan

View pantai Tanjung Aan dari atas bukit Batu Payung
Pantai Tanjung Aan


7. Pantai Batu Payung.

DSC_4590DSC_4592DSC_4625DSC_4592batu undak

8. Tanjung Bloam.

Pantai Tanjung Bloam dapat ditempuh sekitar 45 menit dari Pantai Kuta Lombok. Pantai ini tidak memiliki pasir putih namun hanya berlandaskan batu karang yang agak panjang dengan tonjolan bukit diujungnya dengan sisi tebing yang indah.


Paserang – Mutiara Baru dari Sumbawa

Betapa banyaknya pulau-pulau kita dengan pasir putih yang jernih.. Mampukah kita menjaganya hingga anak cucu kita kelak?

Paserang salah satu pulau kecil di Pulau Sumbawa bagian barat Nusa Tenggara Barat. Pulau ini terletak di bagian Barat  Pulau Kenawa atau Barat Pelabuhan Pototano. Pulau dengan seluas 45 hektar ini atau dua kali lebih besar dari Pulau Kenawa sedang dalam pengembangan. Pulau yang sedang membangun 60 unit villa yang diberi nama Black Bamboo Resort bekerjasama dengan pemerintah setempat (Pemkab Nusa Tenggara Barat). Pulau bakal menjadi salah satu pulau eskostis dan exlusive yang ada di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Begitu kapal nelayan yang kami sewa berlabuh di pelabuhan Paserang itu sudah terlihat jelas beberapa jenis terumbu karang dan ikan warni warni. Tempat yang bagus untuk snorkeling bahkan jauh lebih bagus dari Pulau Kenawa yang terletak dibagian Timur pulau ini.

1234Saat ini belum ada transportasi laut regular menuju pulau ini. Mungkin nanti setelah pulau (resort) ini resmi dibuka untuk wisatawan – menurut bapak Suharno Bustam (pengelola resort) pembangunan villa diperkirakan akan selesai akhir tahun ini – mungkin moda transportasinya akan dimudahkan.

Jika anda berniat ke Paserang dan bermalam disana silahkan langsung menghubungi bapak Suharno Bustam di 0819 9997 5330 / 0813 3952 2644. Karena resort ini belum resmi dibuka maka jangan harap segala fasilitas ada disana. Anda dianjurkan untuk membawa logistik sendiri.

56789Menuju Kesana:

Sebagaimana menuju Pulau Kenawa, (dimana tidak ada transportasi umum atau regular) anda harus menyewa kapal nelayan menuju Pulau Paserang. Jika nelayan biasanya mengenakan biaya Rp.200.000 antar jemput menuju Pulau Kenawa, maka kemungkinan nelayan akan meminta harga lebih mahal mengingat jaraknya sedikit lebih jauh dari Pelabuhan Pototano. Beberapa waktu lalu saat kita menuju 2 pulau – Paserang dan Kenawa, kita berhasil nego harga Rp.400.000 muatan 6 orang. Mungkin sekarang harga sewa naik mengingat bahan bakar yang juga naik.

Kanawa Island is in East while Kenawa is in West Nusa Tenggara. This is Kenawa not Kanawa

Indonesia has thousand islands. More the 13.000 islands spread all over the country (13.466 islands according to Badan Informasi Geospasial (Geospatial Information Agency) labeled with name and coordinate out of 17.504 of total islands in Indonesia according to Indonesian Domestic Affairs .

Both Kenawa and Kanawa Islands are located in Indonesia. Before I visit these 2 small islands, (I visited Kanawa island last year) I used to think that these both island are the same. Not until I visited Kenawa Island last weekend (it’s a runaway Nyepi or Silent day of Balinese Hindu) then I know this two islands are different. Kanawa Island is part of Komodo National Park which is part of East Nusa Tenggara, 1.5 hours away from Labuan Bajo harbor. There are regular boat trip from/to Kanawa Island/Labuan Bajo leaves every 3 hour start from 8 AM, runs 4 (four) times a day cost Rp.100.000/ way.

Kanawa Resort on Kanawa Island in a secluded place part of Komodo National Park

Picture of Kanawa Island;DSC_2576DSC_2534DSC_2538DSC_2577Kenawa Island is located in West Nusa Tenggara about 10 minutes away North of Pototano harbor. There is no regular boat to Kenawa Island. To get to Kenawa island, you can rent fisherman boat (drop off and pick up due to your arrangement) for Rp.200.000 (±USD 15 with rate 1 USD = Rp. 13.000) maximum 6 person. Manage with bigger fisherman boat for Rp.350.000 if you are more than 6 people. – Please notice, the fisherman boat will not drop you off or pick you up when the weather turn to bad -. The closest place to get to Kenawa island is from Lombok. Get to Kayangan harbor (Lombok harbor in the East) around 2.5 hours from Mataram city and gets the Ferry to Pototano harbor in West Sumbawa cost Rp. 19.000/person (±USD 1.46). And then arrange the fisherman boat to drop you off and when to be pick up.

Picture of Kenawa Island;


Unlike Kanawa inhabited island (beautiful and peacefully Kanawa resort on those secluded island), Kenawa Island is uninhabited. That island is empty just occupied by temporary people who want to camp there. Prepare your camping gear and supply for days you wants to stay there. Prepare your trash bag also to carry all the rubbish or waste back to the mainland.

Pulau Kanawa itu di NTT sedangkan Pulau Kenawa di NTB. Yang ini Pulau Kenawa

Indonesia itu memiliki ribuan pulau. Lebih dari 13.000 pulau tersebar diseluruh penjuru Nusantara (tepatnya 13.466 pulau berdasarkan Badan Informasi Geospasial) yang telah tercatat memiliki nama dan koordinat dari total 17.504 pulau (menurut data Departemen Dalam negeri tahun 2004).

Adalah Pulau Kenawa dan Pulau Kanawa. Keduanya termasuk dalam ribuan pulau kecil yang ada di Nusantara. Dulu saya sering bingung dengan nama kedua pulau ini. Dulunya saya berpikir bahwa kedua pulau ini sama, tetapi ternyata berbeda. Jika Pulau Kanawa terletak di bagian Taman Nasional Pulau Komodo Nusa Tenggara Timur, maka Pulau Kenawa ada di bagian utara pelabuhan Pototano Sumbawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat.

Gambaran atau potret dari dan di Pulau Kanawa, Nusa Tenggara Timur

DSC_2524DSC_2525DSC_2534DSC_2538DSC_2576DSC_2577Pulau Kanawa dapat ditempuh 1.5 jam dari Labuan Bajo dengan kapal boat yang berangkat setiap 3 jam sekali diawali diawali jam 8 pagi dan 15.30 jadwal kapal terakhir dari dan Kanawa/Labuan Bajo dengan harga Rp.100.000 sekali jalan.  Sedangkan jalur transportasi menuju pulau Kenawa ini tergolong nihil. Tidak ada transportasi umum laut menuju kesini kecuali carter. Biasanya bagi yang ingin menyeberang bisa mencarter kapal nelayan. Minggu lalu biaya transport laut menuju Pulau Kanawa dikenakan Rp.200.000 maksimum 4 orang jika barang bawaan banyak, hingga 6 orang jika hanya bawa tas jinjing. Rp. 300.000 – 350.000 kapal yang muatan hingga 12 orang.

Jika Pulau Kanawa di bagian Taman Nasional Pulau Komodo itu berpenghuni ( ada Kanawa Resort disana), Pulau Kenawa ini tidak berpenghuni. Tetapi disana ada beberapa gazebo yang didirikan (saat ini dua diantara beberapa gazebo sudah rubuh, dan atap rumbianya sudah dimakan rayap atau diterbangkan angin). Jika anda ingin bermalam disini, bawalah perlengkapan camping dan logistic anda. Tenda bisa didirikan diatas gazebo itu untuk menghindari hewan melata berjalan diantara ilang-ilang hijau itu. Jangan lupa bawa plastik untuk tempat sampah anda dan jangan lupa untuk membawanya kembali ke Pelabuhan Pototano sebab dipelabuhan itu disediakan tempat sampah. Berbaikhatilah dan sempatkanlah untuk memunguti sampah sampah kiriman yang terletak di pinggir pantai Kenawa itu agar mata sedap memandang pasir putih nan indah itu.

Sementara Pulau Kenawa, gambaran dan potret dari dan di Pulau Kenawa


Menuju kesana

Perjalanan paling dekat menuju Pulau Kenawa ini adalah dari Lombok. Anda bisa membawa kendaraan roda dua atau empat dan dapat diparkir dipelabuhan Kayangan Lombok (biasa disebut Pelabuhan Lombok) lalu menyeberang dengan ferry menuju Pelabuhan Pototano. Biaya ferry Rp.19.000/orang. Atau jika anda ingin membawa roda dua anda turut serta bisa juga. Untuk tempat parker bisa dihubungi kantor Dinas Perikanan sekitar 300m dari Pelabuhan untuk izin memarkir kendaraan selama anda menuju Pulau Kenawa. Biaya Ferry untuk sepeda motor Rp.54.000/unit

Sunset Transformation Before Nyepi

The round shape of sunset touches the sea line. This shape of sunset I used to witness in the same spot where I picture the sunset 2 days before Nyepi (Silent day).

Have been living in South of Bali since 4 years ago, West Denpasar precisely, where took only 40 minutes away from the beach by walking on foot (I always walk of I want to go to the beach), makes me able to observe sunset everyday if I want. Well, I went to the beach once till three times a week when there is no rain in the late afternoon. I could see different shapes of the sun when it touches the sea line or the color of the sun during the week. But the sunset I have seen 2 days prior Nyepi (Silent day for Balinese Hindu) was so colorful. Lucky I decided to go to the beach before eventually everything shuts down and nobody allowed wandering around during Nyepi.12345

Pulau Weh – Kilometer NOL Indonesia

Pulau Weh terletak berdekatan dengan laut Andaman India, Thailand maupun Malasya ini dulunya terhubung dengan pulau Sumatera tetapi karena erupsi yang terjadi pada jaman Pleistocene pulau ini menjadi terpisah. Dengan luas 156.3 KM2 yang mana hampir setengahnya atau 60KM2 menjadi daerah kawasan lindung meliputi darat dan laut, bagian dari provinsi Aceh yang dipisah oleh selat Benggala. Zaman dulu pulau ini adalah tempat buangan bagi para terhukum oleh kerajaan Aceh yang biasa disebut geupeuweh. Lama kelamaan namanya menyingkat dan berubah menjadi Weh yang artinya pulau terpisah. Pulau ini sangat kaya dengan wisata baharinya.

pulauweh_map1Beberapa lokasi yang wajib di intip di Pulau ini antara lain:

  1. Kota Sabang

Sabang menjadi ‘ibu kota’ Pulau Weh. Jalanan mulus dan bagus dan mulus di kota ini memang sudah terkenal. Tahun 1895 oleh pemerintah Hindia Belanda menjadikan Sabang menjadi daerah pelabuhan bebas. Sabang pun menjadi pelabuhan perdagangan internasional. Tetapi perang dunia kedua membuat Sabang menjadi lahan rebutan antara Belanda dan Jepang. Tahun 1942 pulau ini diduduki Jepang menjadikannya basis maritime. Lalu sekutu memborbardir Sabang lalu kota ini ditutup sebagai daerah pelabuhan bebas perdagangan Internasional. Setelah Indonesia merdeka, Sabang dibuka lagi menjadi pelabuhan bebas. 2004 sempat ditutup karena situasi Aceh saat itu. Namun 2005 segera dibuka lagi. Saat aku berkunjung ke pulau ini di awal 2008 mata seperti disilaukan oleh mobil-mobil mewah yang melintas di jalanan kota. Waktu itu bapak supir yang mengantar aku dari Sabang menuju Gapang menyatakan kalau mobil-mobil mewah itu sudah jauh berkurang karena sempat terjadi penutupan kota Sabang menjadi pelabuhan bebas.

the island 091
Banda Aceh dilihat dari jalanan mulus kota Sabang
Bungker peninggalan jaman Jepang di lihat dari pantai Sumur Tiga

2. Sumur Tiga.

Sumur Tiga ditempuh sekitar 15 menit dari Pelabuhan Balohan. Disini laut luas menghadap langsung ke samudra Hindia dan pantai pasir putih sepanjang kurang lebih 3KM. Bagus juga buat tempat snorkeling tetapi kadang tidak aman jika ombang sedang besar.

Pasir Putih di pantai Sumur Tiga
Salah satu ujung pantai Sumur Tiga persis tidak jauh dari bungker Jepang. Pantai pasir putih ini mencapai panjang sekitar 2KM.

3. Air Terjun Pria Laot.

Air terjun satu-satunya di Pulau ini dan mensuply air tawar untuk desa sekitarnya. (Tidak punya foto pendukung karena dirusak oleh virus).

4. Gapang

Tempat pavoriteku jika sedang ingin berlibur ke Pulau Weh. Selama tahun 2008 sebanyak 3 kali menjejakkan kaki ke Pulau Weh, dan saya selalu memilih menghabiskan malam disini. Tempat yang sangat asik buat snokling dan diving tentu juga dengan pasir putihnya.

View kota Sabang dari pantai Gapang.
Pantai Gapang
Octavia 172
Pantai Gapang dan kapal-kapal untuk para diver dilihat dari ujung batu karang

5. Iboih

Di Iboih sebenarnya lebih mudah menjumpai guest house dan makanan yang bervariasi mulai dari Asian hingga Western food. Tempat favorit buat snorkeling dan diving disini.

Kapal-kapal pengangkut para diver yang berlabuh di pantai Iboih diintip dari balik pohon beringin.
Pemandangan dari Iboih diintip dari atas atap salah satu guest house.
  1. Pulau Rubiah.

Tempat ini menjadi lebih ekslusif karena harus menyeberang lagi dengan kapal dari Iboih.. Pasir putih dan tempat yang sangat bagus buat snorkeling dan diving.

  1. Sumber air panas Jaboi.

Berada di kawasan hutan lindung, sumber air panas ini juga dimanfaatkan oleh warga desa Keunekai sebagai tempat pemandian air panas.

Ada puluhan mata sumber air panas Jaboi ini, hingga sumber ini dapat dimanfaatkan masyarakat Desa Keunekai sebagai pemandian air hangat.
  1. Kilometer NOL

Kilometer NOL sebagai Icon pulau Weh. Titik NOL Indonesia dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Sebenarnya Pulau Weh bukanlah awal titik NOL Indonesia. Masih ada Pulau Rondo yang lokasinya tidak terlalu jauh dari Pulau Weh, tetapi karena pulau ini tidak berpenduduk maka titik NOL dihitung dari Pulau Weh (sekarang karena banyak pulau-pulau terluar Indonesia di klaim oleh Negara tetangga maka pulau Rondo telah dijaga oleh militer). Pulau Rondo sendiri masuk wilayah administrasi Pulau Weh.

Pulau Rondo
Pulau Weh bird view. Pulau Rondo kecil terlihat di kejauhan.
Sunset dari Kilometer NOL
Tugu Kilometer NOL diantara lebatnya pepohonan sebelum di renovasi.
  1. Pasir Putih Paya Keunekai.

Pulau Weh ini memang luar biasa dengan pantai pasir putihnya. Hampir seluruh pulau ini dikitari oleh pasir putih. Paya Keunekai yang juga menjadi kampong nelayan di pulau ini berhadapan langsung dengan daratan Pulau Sumatera dengan Banda Aceh di ujungnya tentu dengan pasir putihnya yang indah.

Bale untuk para nelayan dengan pasir putihnya yang indah..

Menuju ke Pulau Weh.

Ada 2 jenis kapal menuju Pulau Weh dari Banda Aceh atau sebaliknya.

1. Kapal Ferry biasa disebut kapal lambat berangkat sekali sehari dari Ule-Lhee ke Pelabuhan  Balohan Sabang jam 11.00 WIB.

Dari Pelabuhan Balohan Sabang menuju Ule-Lhee Banda Aceh berangkat jam 14.00 WIB.

Harga tiket Rp.23.500/orang

2. Kapal Cepat / Fast Ferry berangkat 2 kali sehari tidak jauh dari tempat kapal lambat pelabuhan Ule-Lhee menuju Pelabuhan Balohan Sabang yaitu jam 09.00 dan jam 15.00.

Dari Pelabuhan Balohan Sabang menuju Ule-Lhee berangkat jam 10.00 dan jam 16.00

Harga tiket bervariasi tergantung kelas. Kelas Ekonomi Rp.75.000, Bisnis 85.000 dan VIP 110.000.

Tempat Menginap.

Ada 3 lokasi tempat menginap paling popular di Pulau Weh yaitu Sumur Tiga, Gapang dan Iboih. Di Sumur Tiga tidak terlalu banyak pilihan guest house karena hanya ada satu atau dua pemilik guest house disana Harga kamar disini bervariasi dari harga Rp. 150.000 hingga Rp.500.000 per malam.

Di Gapang beberapa pilihan guest house. Dari yang sangat biasa dengan harga Rp.100.000 hingga Rp.250.000 hingga guest house yang dilengkapi dengan AC dengan 1 juta Rupiah per malam tergantung kemampuan kantong anda.

Di Iboih lebah banyak pilihan guest house dan harga lebih ramah dengan isi kantung.

Gili Kondo – Veiled Beauty of Eastern Gilis

Sitting again behind motorbike make my back hurts, as I drove previously with my other 5 friends from Sanur towards Padang Bai. I left my place in Denpasar at 7.30 PM to meet my 5 other friends at entry point in Sanur so we could drive together. After checking list is completed, we took dinner before living. At the end we left Sanur at 9PM and arrived in Padang Bai nearly 11PM. Padang Bai is a harbor in and out, from Bali to or from Lombok. That was a busy night and the harbor has only one way in and out. We must wait more than an hour to unload all passengers and vehicles and another hour to load all vehicle like big truck, cars motorbikes and passengers. At the end the ferry left Padang Bai at 1.15 AM. As the ferry fully load, we hardly could find a place to sit. We eventually with many other passengers sit on the roof top of the ferry where winds slap your face at all time. My friends who prepare themselves with camping tools try to get a nap with their mat and sleeping bag while I just sit on empty chair bundle up with my thick jacket looked up the clear sky. Stars are always amazed me. The first moon also show her beauty and try to defying the beauty of the stars.. They both are accompanying me all evening until we get in the harbor of Lombok, Lembar at 6 AM. I feel my eyes so tired but the cold from the wind blows kept me awake. I am not prepared myself with such as camping tools. My friends who are waiting in Lombok says that some of group member bring camping tools should be enough and it just a short trip to Kondo island.  We drove to the town of Mataram when we unloaded in the harbor of Lembar with our motorbike. Driving another 1.5 hours from the harbor, my friend, Herry – who drive with me – dropped me in the town of Mataram. They must continue their trip to Moyo Island while I with other friends will go to the island of Kondo.

coral a

coral b

coral c

coral e

coral d

It’s the group of total 24 people. We gathered from many different place like Bali, Central and West Java, Germany and people around Lombok. Most of us haven’t met before but united under Lombok Backpacker. We gathered to share the cost as one of basic principle of this group. After a short brief of introduction, we left Mataram at 10AM and driving with 12 motorbikes towards the east of Lombok. I can feel my back hurt but somehow we still need at least 2.5 hours to get there. I want to stop over in Lombok and get rest and continued it tomorrow. But it’s been planned and I join in term of low budget I have. I must split this as I have appointment with my other friend for a long trip climbing mountain and sightseeing in the next month, so I must go with them. Another thing also is I want to do short travel with many people because I used to travel on my own. So joining with many other people will be rejoicing.  My back is hurts and the breeze makes me nearly fall asleep. I kept my eyes open and enjoy the sightseeing. The road is quite straightforward and no traffic at all. This is the good part of country side. Less traffic and make life easier, less stress as you don’t have to queue and waiting too long on the traffic light. When we get in the Gili Lampu Park, we entered about 30 meter towards the coastline. There me and Edo – my friend who driving this time – rested for awhile in a hut the local people built for fisherman while waiting other group arrived. I stood and let the wind wipe my tired face. I looked up to the nice beach. I’m not surprise with it as we have so many small islands with white sand beach. Just pity, we don’t know how to appreciate it and look after it good. So many potential but don’t know how to develop it well.

coral f

coral g

coral h

It took 20 minutes for us with 2 small boats to take across to the island of Kondo. 1 boat accommodated up to 15 people. We parked all our motorbikes in the mainland with the land keeper. The weather was so good and smoothen the journey. Some boys jumped in to the sea with their snorkel tools, hardly wait the next day while others walked on the white sand beach surround the island. I myself checked a place to stay overnight. The island is nearly unoccupied and only one house hold look after that island. They provided small room and fresh water for bathing with cost Rp.10.000 each time. It’s total of 3 small islands close to one another, Gili Kondo, Gili Bidara and Gili Petagan. It is late afternoon and we put our tent on. Some of us will use a simple building which stands there with no wall, chipped cement floor but good roof. Oh lucky, that building has one room sealed with wall without door – maybe the door is purposely taken, or broken I don’t know – but at least a few people can sleep there for the night. We don’t bring a lot of stuff as it was dry season and we planned to sleep under the sky but yeah, somehow I need a proper sleep, I thought. In the end we spent the evening gathering and get to know more with all new friends. 2 from central Java are on holiday from university, German lady wants to know more about local people, while others just spent their weekend and I myself just want to get away from a boring day. We continued chit-chat about all topic from what is the agenda of the group in the future, and how to develop it well and the contribution to surroundings, what is the positive input to local society, how to make it different, etc  and off course barbequing. We bought fresh fish from nearly town before we crossed the sea as the boat we rented just to drop off and will be back in the morning to drop us at the point we agreed to snorkel. 2 of my friends brought their fishing tools but as we arrived late afternoon on that island, brings nothing to plate. We prepared somehow what we need for dinner but it seems nobody needs a room to sleep as we continued playing cards till dawn.

Gili Bidara (behind) pictured from Gili Kondo
gili pasir1
Gili Kapal, North side of Gili Bidara. You can stand there during low tight.
Beautiful glowing sunrise from Gili Kondo

6 AM, we all sitting at the edge of cost line waiting the golden sunrise comes out from his throne. The sunrise was amazing. I’ve seen so many sunrise and I was lucky, it never looks the same. The glowing, the color always brought something different. The spirit comes along with it gives you new life. We all cheered up with beautiful sunrise as a good start of the day. 7AM we all jump into the sea with snorkel tools. Again I was amazed by the color of the coral in slope of the sea wall. To be honest, I did snorkel in Gili Trawangan one of famous place in Lombok and it’s pity, the diversity of the ocean gone as the development of the island is expanded. You can see nothing but dead coral and a few color fish a one morel.  I talked to the local people and he said that he easily found sea horse on the sea or looked other fish swimming around the coral with his bare eyes from the coast 20 years back. Luckily 5 years ago the local authority starts the rehabilitation in term of growing back the reef and coral. And of course it took years to grow. It’s only 1 inch per year so you can imagine how it look like after 5 years. The result show insignificant but at least they do something about it. Here in Gili Kondo, along the cost in 3 meter depth, all those beautiful coral spoiled my eyes. I hardly can see it even in Bali, unless you go diving to a wreck in Tulamben East side of Bali. I once snorkeled in Amed not far from Tulamben, the situation is not far from Gili Trawangan. Gili Kondo surrounds is still a lot better even from Weh Island, edge of Sumatera island thousands kilometer west side of Lombok, where 0 KM and equator line of Indonesia starts. I’m not a diver so I don’t have much knowledge in comparison but as I snorkel in some places I can tell Gili Kondo is much better than other place that I have been to. At 8 AM the boat arrived and we all loaded and moved closely to Gili Bidara and Gili Petagan afterwards. Here also we found beautiful and healthy coral. Many baby school fish are swimming around greets us cheerfully.  We all so happy with what we saw, feeling lucky that we could see those beautiful diversity just by snorkel. Hopefully local authority can learn and took lesson and compare Gili Kondo with other Gili like Gili Trawangan and Gili Meno where the beauty of the ocean is become less and less and eventually disappeared due to a greedy expansion. As the population and demanding is growing, development also will expand, I assumed one day Gili Kondo will expanded as well but hopefully they expand it wisely.

At noon 12 o’clock we all packed and collected all the rubbish we make and cross back the island towards mainland. We left Gili Kondo with rejoiced.


Gili Lampu is written on the map but local people recognize it as Gili Kondo. Gili means island is Sasak language (local people of Lombok).

How to get there:

From bus terminal of Mandalika Lombok, get the minibus towards Lombok (Kayangan) harbor. Stop at the conjunction before the bus turn to the harbor. Get another minibus (local minibus with carry car type) to continue to Gili Kondo (Gili Lampu) Park. Stop at the sign ‘Welcome to Gili Kondo’. Continue walk 30m towards the cost line. The small boat there is for rent or charter. They will take you across when the price is deal. Normally charged Rp. 400.000/boat to drop to Gili Kondo and take you small tour to another 2 Gilis for snorkel.

Camping is the best option there. Provide yourself with camping tools such as mat, cooking tools, and supplies. Don’t forget your snorkel tools as this is the point to enter this island. Bring also mosquito repellent. Hundreds mosquito will flies around in the evening and of course sun protection. Well, I prefer long sleeve bathing suit so sun protection is no longer needed.